In Community #18: Two minutes and third spaces

In Community with Fahad Khawaja

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💥 What can you get done in just two minutes?

In last week’s newsletter, I wrote about how articulating my vision for myself has helped to see things more clearly in my life. But I recognize that figuring that out is easier said than done.

Let’s face it – we’re all inundated with messages, tasks, responsibilities and a news cycle that just won’t quit. You’re probably thinking “Fahad, are you for real? You think I’ve got time to sit down and write a vision statement?”

Enter: the two-minute rule.

As a lifelong, accomplished procrastinator 👀, I’ve found that this productivity hack not only helps me but also those I coach.

Here’s the idea: Often, a seemingly small or simple task can take up mental space for us. And the longer we leave it there, the more space it takes, which can lead to even more task avoidance and worse, a nagging feeling or heightened stress.

So how do I recommend you put this into action? 

Focus on the quick tasks you can do in two minutes or less and in doing so, free up space for the bigger tasks that require a bit more thought (like that vision statement, right?).

👉🏽 Build timeblocks: Check notifications once every hour (or less so if you can get away with it). When you do check them, respond quickly, whether it’s a Slack message, an email, or a text. 

👉🏽 Create an environment: Reduce clutter in your physical and digital workspace. That’s right, I’m looking at you, with the 89 tabs open on your browser.

👉🏽 Prioritize time-bound decisions: Focus on action rather than analysis. If a decision can be made on something relatively quickly, do it right then and there. Avoid lingering or dwelling on it after it’s done.

After all, small steps can create big space in our minds and ultimately help move us forward.

And speaking of space and moving forward 👉🏽 read on to this week’s Need to Know, where I’m motivated by a renewed focus on Third Spaces, building bridges to connect us, and sending more of us into the Great Beyond.

Need to Know

💥 American culture struggles to create Third Spaces. Here’s how we can find them for ourselves. 

💥 Murtaza Hussain joins The Daily Show. His unlikely friendship is a guide to building bridges.

💥 Zaida Hernández is pushing NASA to open access to the Final Frontier.  Getting more Latinas in STEM and in space.

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