In Community #17: What's your vision look like?

In Community with Fahad Khawaja

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I’ll admit it. Sometimes it’s tough to know the best way forward, even if I feel really clear on the destination. 

Last week, I wrote about finding your destination through a framework to find your purpose. This week, I wanted to take it a step further and talk about starting to create the roadmap to get there.

A vision statement reflects your purpose, and it expresses the destination in a few seemingly simple words. By writing this out for myself, I’ve learned that it serves as a constant beacon, defining my goals and aspirations. My personal purpose is to bring the margins to the mainstream and do well by doing good. It’s about leaving things better off than I found them.

If you’ve already considered what purpose looks like for you, have you written out your vision statement yet as a next step? Starting with this is a key part of creating that roadmap.

👉🏽 Spend some time reflecting on who you are and what you value. If you’ve defined your purpose, what are some meaningful phrases and words to help make it clear? 

👉🏽 Write out a first pass of your vision statement. Does it sound like you? Is it using jargon? Does it reflect who you are or can be on your best day? 

👉🏽 Once you’ve got that locked down, step away. Don’t think about it. Come back after a couple of days and take a fresh look. Does it still feel right? It’s ok to refine it if it doesn’t. 

After all, getting clarity isn’t usually an overnight thing. As frustrating as it can sometimes be, it’s a journey, not the destination.

Need to Know

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đź’Ą Marena Riyad is running a plant-based henna salon / kufiya comedy club. It’s the mashup you didn’t know you needed. 

đź’Ą Is The live-action Avatar: The Last Air Bender worth the watch? M. Night Shyamalan thinks so.

In community,


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