Fight burnout: In Community #35

Your weekly boost of positive energy centering BIPOC

Let’s talk about burnout. 

Sure, you’ve probably heard the term – maybe you’ve used it. But do you know what it is or how to detect it?

Last week, I wrote about FOMO, JOMO, and what drives change makers to push for change. It’s not easy in an environment where we’re constantly bombarded with stimuli competing for our attention.

It’s bound to cause or worsen the stress we feel – whether at work, at home, or in areas we’ve typically gotten energy back, like with hobbies or social activities.

Sometimes it feels like stress is a 4-letter word. 👀 The reality is that stress on its own isn’t unhealthy – sustained, consistent, unrelenting stress is. Ongoing stress at heightened levels without relief drives burnout.

Burnout isn’t just a state of feeling tired – which it often is mistaken for – just as depression isn’t just a state of feeling sad. It impacts mental, emotional, and physical health. 

So what can you do about it?

👉🏽 Recognize the signs. Do you feel disconnected from your work or coworkers? Do you feel demotivated about the work? Is it tough to focus and engage in projects?

👉🏽 Reach out for support. Tap those around you for help – even if it’s just about having that first conversation. Talk to your leaders or trusted coworkers where it’s helpful.

👉🏽 Recover and build resilience. Self-care is real care. Who understands what will work for you better than you? How can you actively find ways to reduce the prolonged pressure, and focus on what gives you energy rather than depletes it, both at work and outside of work? What motivates you?

For instance, I get energy from spending time IRL with friends at live music events. (Ask me about my favorite genre – you might be surprised.) I’m an eternal optimist but when that optimistic energy starts waning, I know that going to a live show will help.

I get motivated when I see change makers building things better for all of us – not just the few. And that’s a core part of what drives the weekly Need to Know – getting an energy boost by seeing what can be, not just what is. And that’s no different for this week’s crop of stories – let’s get into them.

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Need To Know

💥 Keri and Yara Shahidi dropped a new podcast on SiriusXM. They’re using their platform to talk about optimism.

💥 Alana Hadid aims to build the Palestinian A24. Her new studio is intended to tell stories from across the diaspora.

💥 Annie Leal’s support for her diabetic father turned into a family business. She’s celebrating her Mexican heritage and making her childhood staples accessible for all.

💥 Group Black is expanding its deal with NBCUniversal. They’re working together to produce more Black-led content.

Who are the authors, social impact leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, and more who should get featured for how they’re moving us forward together?

Are you one of them? Reach out with your ideas by replying to this directly. I mean it – who deserves to get the spotlight on them? Let me know.

In community,
