Control: In Community #29

Your weekly boost of positive energy centering BIPOC

When I was seventeen, I did what people told me. Did what my father said and let my mother mold me. But that was long ago. I'm in control – never gonna stop. Control – get what I want.

If you’re a Janet fan like me (Ms Jackson if you’re nasty), you recognize those words as the opening lyrics to “Control”, the chart-topping single off the multi-platinum album of the same name.

When I wrote about prioritizing yourself and releasing tension in your mind last week, I recognized that often what builds tension is what feels out of control.

This is something I find myself thinking about more lately. How do I make sure that things are running smoothly in all parts of my life? How do I make sure it's all under control?

Let's face the bad news: Having it all under your control all the time is impossible.

Here's the good news: As an eternal optimist, what I've learned is that reframing the idea of control is a game changer, both at home and at work.

Ask yourself:

👉🏽 What can I truly influence? What can I control?

👉🏽 What systems can I put in place to remove the mental burden of what I can't control?

👉🏽 How can I shift my perspective on the situations I face? How can I control my response to what's out of my control?

Remember this: You have influence over yourself, your actions, and your reactions. You're in control of more than you might realize – go get what you want.

As you go for it (and as Ms. Jackson celebrates her birthday this week), take this as an opportunity to celebrate the way you're taking control of your own path forward.

And tap this week's Need to Know for inspiration on how others are influencing what they know they can control.

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Need To Know

💥 Drafted is focusing on Latina athletes and their community of fans. They’re breaking records and barriers along the way.

💥 Even Shonda Rhimes experiences stage fright. Here’s how she tackles it to be a more confident public speaker.